Honors Program Application

Important! You do not have the option of saving your information and returning to the application later. It must be completed in one session. *Tip: Complete personal statements separately and copy/paste your work in the boxes below.

Part 1: Contact Information

How did you learn about the Palo Alto College Honors Program? Check all that apply.

Part 2: Academic Information

Part 3: Personal Statement

In 300 to 350 words, explain why you are a good candidate for acceptance into the PAC Honors Program. You may include leadership experiences/skills, volunteer experiences, community service, awards, academic achievements, and/or other unique qualities which you possess that help describe why you are well-suited to become an Honors student.

Please note: The reviewers of your application will consider the quality and length of your written statement, so it should be cogent, clear, and concise. Please include specific detail and proofread carefully; excessive grammatical/clarity errors will impact an applicant's chance of acceptance into the Honors Program. Responses with fewer than 300 words or with greater than 350 words may not be accepted.

Your written statement must be written by you–NOT AI-generated.

You cannot save your application and return later, so we recommend completing your personal statement separately and pasting it into the field below. 

Contact Us:

Dr. Rosalinda Ortiz

Honors Program Co-Director

Dr. Jessica Humann

Honors Program Co-Director


Thomas Murguía
Honors Program Assistant Director

Marisol Ortega

Administrative Services Specialist

Medina Hall (MEDINA 101)
