Teaching & Learning Center

Teaching and Learning Graphic

The Teaching & Learning Center (TLC) provides Palo Alto College faculty and staff a centrally located, one-stop location for support and resources. Professional staff are housed in the Center and collaboratively manage its current primary functions: instructional and staff professional development, online course design, program and institutional-level academic assessment, and instructional technology.


TLC Organizational Pillars

Based on data from the faculty and staff professional development needs/interest surveys administered in April 2020, the TLC has identified four (4) 'Organizational Pillars' to help guide its offerings.

  1. Engaging Learners

  2. Working, Teaching, Learning Remotely
  1. Equity & Inclusion

  2. Work-Life Balance


Teaching & Learning Events

Click on events in the calendar below to view more details including location, presenter(s) name, and Zoom links.

Teaching and Learning Resources

Our wide-ranging resources will assist faculty in teaching remotely, hybrid, or face-to-face. Please see our contact information at the bottom of this page if you have additional questions. The Palo Alto College TLC is here to help you!

TLC YouTube Channel:
Visit the TLC YouTube Channel for recordings of training sessions and quick how-to videos over Canvas, BioSig, Zoom, and more!

Canvas Support:
If you need help with Canvas or help creating a Canvas shell, please contact canvassupport@jyycl.com or call the Canvas hotline at 1-833-507-7244. You can also start an online chat with Canvas by clicking “Help” in the Canvas global menu.

Keep Teaching:
Check out the district website with more resources and recorded training videos for online and Zoom instruction.

TLC Professional Development E-book Collection
TLC Professional Development E-book Collection” that says “Through a collaboration between the TLC and the Ozuna Library, a collection of e-books has been cultivated as a professional development tool to support PAC faculty and staff.

Academic Assessment
The Office of Academic Assessment supports the PAC community through support for improvement initiatives, consultations with faculty and staff over best practices in assessment, and fostering a culture of assessment.  The Office of Academic Assessment is housed in the Teaching and Learning Center.

Tech Support Contacts
  • Canvas: If you need help with Canvas or help creating a Canvas shell, please contact canvassupport@jyycl.com or call the Canvas hotline at 1-833-507-7244. You can also start an online chat with Canvas by clicking “Help” in the Canvas global menu.
  • ACES, BioSig, Turnitin, Concourse, Respondus and other instructional software: Contact Alamo Colleges District IT help desk at 210-485-0555 and choose option 4.
  • General computer questions: Contact PAC IT at 210-486-3777
  • Palo Alto College Information Technology (IT) Services
TLC Advisory Committee

A committee comprised of faculty and staff has been assembled to lay the groundwork for a sustainable center.  Feel free to share your ideas for the Center with committee members or attend committee meetings.

All meetings will occur through Zoom on the fourth Thursday of every month from 3 p.m. – 4 p.m.  Contact one of the TLC team members if you would like to join a meeting!

Other Resources


Contact Information

Amanda Harrison 
Director of the Teaching & Learning Center


Specialties: General Questions; Faculty and Staff Development; Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes

Dr. Meagan Sanders
Instructional Designer for Online Courses


Specialties: Online course design, online teaching strategies, online course reviews, Quality Matters



Dr. Melissa Elston
Academic Assessment Coordinator


Specialties: Program, General Education, and Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILO) Assessment, Open Educational Resources (OER)

Anthony Stokes
Instructional Technology Specialist


Specialties: Canvas, Zoom, BioSig, Other Instructional Technology